"The Scandinavian Life Storytelling Caravan" - writers and photographers - from the books A Given Life and The First Period joined the Women's Month at University of Houston from March 23th to March 31st. The Caravan participated in three panels:

Creativity in Collaboration
(about writing, illustrating and editing the books A Given Life - Glimpses of Ordinary Women's Extraordinary Experiences and The First Period - photos)
Marriage, Divorce, Partnering and Child Custody
(A Comparative Discussion of Family Law In Denmark and the United States - photos)
The Social Welfare of Women (Contrasting the Problems and Solutions in Denmark and the United States - photos)
The Storytelling Caravan was in Houston represented by the following participants in Women's Month: Anne Møller, Gine Jarner, Ida Hoeck, Lisbet Müller, Pia Deleuran, Sisse Jarner. Women's Month Calendar, Women's Month Purpose, Women's Month Committee, feel free to read invitation

We thank our wonderful contact person Linda Vaden-Goad, Ph.D.
Chair, Department of Social Sciences, Associated Professor of Psychology so much for
the fantastic expierience we all got in Houston during the caravan-tour. Everybody met us with such great hospitality and friendlyness. Thanks to all of you.

We brought 20 copies of the translated manuscript to A Given Life. The translation was made by volunteers and we thank all of the translators for the fantastic work and the spirit they have shown to make these texts accessable to more than Danish-speaking people. We also brought a translated chapter from The first Period- book. That way it was possible to get an impression of the idea behind that book-project too - and perhaps inspire others to pick up the idea.

We naturally hope to get the texts published in English - as we succeeded to make it happen in Danish - and if you have good ideas to how it can be done -

please contact us

We brought the photocollages from A Given Life and the exhibition WAX - pictures about life, dreams, hope and horror - along aswell, and as you can see the pictures were used in the panelsetting and in an exhibition in the Frogg Gallery.

  Photo Diary
The arrival
Welcome Party
Preparing panel-debates
Creativity in Collaboration
Family Law Panel
The Social Welfare of Women
Cultural inputs and collaboration
Exhibition in The Frogg Gallery in Houston
Farewell Party

The history of the Caravan:

In 1996 a group of Danish, Swedish and Norwegian women started working on writing parts of their life stories. Elements that mattered and moved them were the points of interest and concern. Out of that process the book A Given Life - Glimpses of Ordinary Women's Extraordinary Experiences was developed and created. Feel free to read the Danish publisher's letter "To whom it may concern" and the review from the Danish librarian

The next book project started in 1999. Twenty-eight women decided to write an essay about their first period, how it felt to become a woman, and stories about the menstruation phenomenon. The First Period contains stories from women ageing from 12 to 82. Each story follows a picture from the time when...

The books inspired to debate-arrangements, workshops and other kinds of meetings where women's welfare and reproduction could be looked into.
